
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Exclusive: Staging of Major Terror Attack on US Evident

9/11 Annivesary and Israeli UN Vote to Coincide

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Plans are afoot to push the United States into an attack on Iran. Anyone knowing the political atmosphere would believe this impossible unless something really terrible were to happen.

No nation on earth, we should believe, would ever stage such an event, dirty bomb or even full scale nuclear attack, as nothing less than that could push Americans to war, not an America very skeptical of 9/11 and its aftermath.

However, one nation is free to do just that, knowing it faces no consequences of any kind from America, our closest ally, continually caught spying on us, buying off politicians or, as in Britain, running the government into the ground behind the front of “News Corp” and the Murdoch empire.

Since 1999, confirmed as the year that the invasion of Iran was decided upon by Israel and their key allies in the US, the “neocons,” world events have been dominated by attempts to pre-stage a massive war.

But the enemy is nearly unassailable, geographically isolated, armed to the teeth and closely aligned with China, the world’s second military power, the nation with the stranglehold on America’s credit purse strings.

9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq were just “run ups” to the Iran invasion that never materialized in 2005 like Bush had planned, pushed forward by a “false flag” terror attack in Bahrain the White House and JSOC had attempted, thwarted by patriotic American military leaders.

None of this is news, none is history, all is, however, very easy to document though some of those involved in thwarting the Bush plan have been assassinated and others put on “terror suspect” lists. Now we see it all heating up again.

Whether they admit it, bury it or even know they have it is something else.

Recent history, particularly the Murdoch scandal in Britain, teaches us that police and counter-terrorism organizations have fallen under the control of “newspapers?”

No, the problem is far worse.

The endgame will be a nuclear bomb, a fission device or, minimally, a very large “dirty bomb.” Chatter says “Chicago.” To be blamed? Iran. Who is doing it?

Think “the ususal suspects,” think global, think Middle East, think Christian extremist, think Zionist, think big news agencies facing collapse, their leaders looking at prison, think oil, you know the names.

The next clue was the report of 5 killings in Israel, blamed on “terrorists.”

Next you will see “rockets” coming from Gaza and Lebanon, carefully staged by Israel, carefully timed to a pressure on Syria. Suddenly, Israeli news filled with stories of anti-government demonstrations and an Israeli version of “Arab Spring” are now talking “terrorism.”

Look for news stories claiming Iran has sent sniper teams to Syria to gun down innocent demonstrators, dozens of major news agencies carry these, wild and insane stories. Remember Obama’s announcement on Syria yesterday?

This prestages moves against Hezbollah in Lebanon, sold to the west as “security for Israel,” but seen in the Middle East as genocide, a holocaust against the remaining Palestinians, Israel wiping a people, racially Semitic, 4000 years of continual residence in Judea, many former Jews and Christians, wiping them from the face of the earth.

9/11 came up again, Richard Clarke, former counter-terrorism “insider” came out blaming George Tenet and the CIA for “allowing” Muslims to “do” 9/11. Problem here? The story is old, undeserving of the massive news coverage. Problem two, ten years of evidence has debunked the hijacker theory.

You don’t know that? Watch too much TV news? Keeping the old stories, Flight 93, the box cutters, the 19 hijackers in front of you, stories long proven to be total fabrications is a full time job.

Making it worse, a few leaders of alternative journalism, respected people, backed Clarke’s accusation against the CIA. Truth?

We are told Clarke was a member of the group that planned the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent coverup, coordinated through Israel, Bush insiders, a group called PNAC and Pentagon traitors who tried, in 2007, to steal nuclear weapons to stage a war on Iran.

Do you now see why TV news is so dangerous?

Not a word of this will be printed in the west. Expect to turn on the TV and see “Schindlers List” and “Exodus” reruns and new films released about hunting down Nazi war criminals.

This is how terrorism is pre-staged, this and Norway and the London riots and the 5 dead Israelis while cluster bombs have been dropped on Gaza night after night with no reports at all.

In fact, it is a censorship agency that is used to control news given to Muslims, buying sympathy and credibility while being controlled by the CIA and Mossad. Remember the talk, Bush, saying he was going to shoot their satellites down? Funny. What a liar!

Israel is facing the strongest pressure in decades, massive demonstrations of its Jewish population demanding the ouster of the Netanyahu government that has wasted the country’s resources on “phony security issues,”along with broad international condemnation which will be presented to the United Nations next month.

Turkey, long an ally of Israel, once hopeful of membership in the EU has been blocked permanently.

Think Iraq. We know we have been told to forget Iraq but, in the past weeks, terror attacks there have taken on a massive scale. This is no accident.

Tensions between Shiites and Sunnis, there and across the Middle East, have been orchestrated to create a mosaic of instability, cover for spy agencies to infiltrate and turn the new “Arab Spring” governments in Tunisia and Egypt.

What can we expect in Libya, Gaddafi supposedly leaving in a week, his billions safe?

Gaddafi, like Assad, has been running a police state, despite the claims of some members of the press. However, those same people who wrongly defend Gaddafi very rightly warn of what will follow.

Americans aren’t told that Turkey stands ready to invade Syria. Turkey claims to be angry at Israel but it is Israel that wants Turkey to invade Syria and is telling them so through Israel’s “client state,” the United States of America.

Too complicated for you? This means you have been watching too much news.


Two weeks ago, stories oft told, Iran having purchased nuclear weapons, stories related to the Maddow video, began running.

The weapons were lost, a “Broken Arrow” declared by the US.

The CIA’s top man in the area, Osama bin Laden, helped run the recovery operations that led into Kenya and Tanzania.

His reward was a terrorism indictment and the initial invention of the previously unknown term “Al Qaeda.”

One of these lost weapons made its way, part of it at least, to North Korea where it was part of an unsuccessful “demonstration,” a shipload of fertilizer and one “plutonium pit” bought from arms dealers from Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and South Africa.

For years, the Pelandaba facility in South Africa produced highly enriched, weapons grade uranium. This was a facility owned by Armscorp.

GENCORE was an amalgamation of Union Mining Corporation and General Mining Corporation. Their real business was nuclear proliferation done in partnership between Israel and South Africa, a partnership that tested nuclear weapons, one in 1979 and sold them on the open market, one to North Korea which was exploded in 2009.

The Maddow story, of an attempted raid on Pelandaba is partially true. It is never asked why and how nuclear bomb making material ended up there. This isn’t DU or isotopes, this is plutonium and uranium 235, pure as the driven snow, something even a child could make a nuclear weapon with.

A year ago, President Obama thanked South Africa for abandoning its nuclear weapons program, something never reported...

The dismantled program, Israeli and South African, had produced and tested weapons, some which were turned over to the US to be dismantled.

What Obama is thanking South Africa for, and 3 that Britain had taken control of and “misplaced,” amid stories of Saddam having them, Iran using them or some even being placed inside the US as “blackmail.”

We tracked them from Durban to Oman to Cyprus, one to North Korea where it was “demonstrated” and two a source of deep concern.

The stories have been verified, contacts with Armscorp and Gencor. We have the histories of the production teams, the agreements between South Africa and Israel, the shipping of the weapons, the negotiations which included Nelson Mandela, Dr. David Kelly and a very young David Cameron.

The result? A “legend,” the intelligence term for a false background, has been created to support missing nuclear weapons, stolen fissionable material, everything necessary to place blame on Iran, perhaps even Pakistan and China.

The agenda? Such things are too dark to imagine.

Back in 2000, the Supreme Court placed George “W” Bush in office, a mentally unstable individual with little personal focus, an addict, a “dry drunk” with delusional religious beliefs and a personal history it took millions to bury.

Soon afterward, the largest terror attack in history accidentally happened on a day that NORAD was “off duty.”

It was a day that the Air Force was involved in war games and unable to respond to threats a day that scientists will tell you the laws of physics, of “conservation of matter and energy” and even the flow of time itself seemed suspended.

A country led by a psychotic dupe, one not dissimilar from the virtual army of malignant narcissists lining up to run against Obama, was capable of anything.

After all, the military had been taken over by the Dominionist cult, dedicated to bringing on the “end times” through staging a nuclear war while the White House held hourly prayer sessions and with the term “rapture” used far more often than “fiscal.”

Five died in Israel, a small price for control. The agenda?

Doesn’t the world have too many people, people using too much of the world’s resources, not paying enough mortgage interest, not buying enough gasoline, eating too much food? What if most of them were to simply vanish? Is the technology there to do that? I think the Japanese have answered that question for us.

Read the whole article:

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