
Monday, August 15, 2011

British being raped by green scam...

The 'green tax con' that is costing families £500 as finances are under strain

By Kirsty Walker

Every household is paying £500 more than they should in green taxes, researchers claim.

Their figures show that environmental taxes hit £41billion last year as family finances came under great strain.

They say ministers are using the levies as an excuse to take more money from the taxpayer.

In a hard-hitting book called Let them eat carbon, Matthew Sinclair argues that environmental levies are excessive compared with the harms they are meant to address.

The director of the TaxPayers’ Alliance found that after road levies (£9.2billion) and Air Passenger Duty (£2.1billion) are taken out of the equation, total domestic green taxes were £30billion last year.

Yet according to the Department of Energy and Climate Change, the social cost of greenhouse emissions was £16.9billion.

This means that around £13billion in excess green levies were levied on taxpayers – the equivalent of £500 a family.

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