
Friday, May 6, 2011

"The whole Bin Laden assassination psi op is now being used to push the police state in America to a whole new level."

Staged Al Qaeda Rail Attack Plot To Be Used To Further Implement TSA At “Soft” Spots Nationwide?

Just days after the staged media spectacle of the assassination of Osama Bin Laden, the corporate media and the Department of Homeland Security have released intelligence that claims that Al Qaeda is considering attacking U.S. railroads on the 10th anniversary of the September 11th terror attacks.

In a move that is sure to further heighten the fears of local police nationwide, the Department of Homeland Security issued an alert to police about the information that they had “uncovered.”

“The information was obtained from material seized by Navy SEALs in their raid in Pakistan when they killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden on May 1, another U.S. official said, speaking anonymously. U.S. commandos seized computer drives and other material from the compound where bin Laden had been staying,” reported The Associated Press.

The whole Bin Laden assassination psi op is now being used to push the police state in America to a whole new level.

At this point it seems likely that the major reason for the unveiling of a dead man was to condition the public into accepting TSA groping in train stations, malls, sporting venues, and any other major public event.

Yesterday, CBS News reported that experts fear retaliation over the death of the Al Qaeda leader and that the only way to stop such an attack is to implement TSA security checkpoints at soft spots nationwide.

We now live in a country where innocent civilians are now subject to TSA harassment, double pat downs, checkpoints at “soft” spots and 24/7 electronic surveillance all in the name of an invisible enemy ironically named the War on Terror.


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