
Sunday, May 8, 2011

"To determine what actually took place on May 2, 2011, we should first examine the evidence. Unfortunately, there isn't any."

Justice, Lies, and bin Laden's Demise

Mark S. Connor
Activist Post

The American people (sheeple) are having the wool pulled over their eyes (again) on a scale that is frightening to behold. Their ability to see what is being done to them has diminished incrementally over many years, so most of them aren't even aware of it.

How well do you see? Have you had a good look at the recent events surrounding the "killing" of "Osama bin Laden"? Or have you just let the media tell you what you're supposed to see?

Large crowds have gathered in the preceding week to celebrate "Osama bin Laden's death." As one reveler put it, "The villain of our time was captured and killed." Another said that bin Laden's death, "brings us all some sort of closure or vindication, knowing Public Enemy Number 1 is off the streets."

For several days now, the prevailing sentiment across America has been: The evil terrorist responsible for the attacks of 9-11 is finally dead! Justice has been done! America rules!

And, in agreement with what President Obama said, the consensus seems to be, "The world is safer…"

Really? I want to show you that it is very likely that we are all potential victims of a hoax: that is, the raid of bin Laden's house did not happen and he was not killed as reported. (However; I must admit that I am slightly more inclined to believe the raid did happen; so we will look at both possibilities.)

To determine what actually took place on May 2, 2011, we should first examine the evidence.

Unfortunately, there isn't any. Think about it: the only reason we think a house in Pakistan was raided by Navy SEALs who landed in helicopters and killed several people, including Osama bin Laden, is because a few members of the Obama staff have told us these things happened!

Sure, there were helicopters at the specified location, and a few witnesses heard gunfire, but everything else we know has been told to us by a select few -- no one who was supposedly actually involved in the operation, except for CIA director Leon Panetta, has given an account.

Understand that most of things we read in the paper are not first-hand accounts. They have been passed through three, four, five, or more people before they get to the writer. And they can usually all be traced back to two or three sources -- the ones who originate what is made known.

With the bin Laden story, we read things like, "A U.S. official briefed on the raid said…" and "officials briefed on the matter said…" and "A U.S. intelligence agent said…" All these people are fed the official story and are sent out to spread it around, but most of it comes from the top two or three people. They can get awfully creative in telling the story -- especially when some or all of the principals involved aren't able to come out and expose the falsehoods.

How convenient that the alleged Navy SEALs who conducted the alleged raid must preserve their anonymity. How convenient that bin Laden and the other men who were with him are dead, and the women and children are being detained by Pakistan. (The Wall Street Journal on May 4, page A10, said that Pakistan authorities "… have custody of the four women and six children who survived the firefight…" And -- get this: "A U.S. Embassy official in Islamabad said the U.S. hasn't asked Pakistan to hand over bin Laden's family members to American officials. Pakistan's foreign office said they would be returned to their country of origin." And promptly be forgotten, no doubt.)

So do we have anything to go on besides what some people have said? When government sources blatantly lie as often as they do, their word alone is not good enough.

The official account changed repeatedly the first couple days: bin Laden was armed, then he wasn't; bin Laden had engaged the SEALs in a firefight, then he hadn't; he had used his wife as a shield, then he hadn't; his wife was killed, then she wasn't; bin Laden's house was a million dollar mansion, but turned out to be dilapidated and without air conditioning and worth less than a quarter of a million.

A lot of people are saying a photo of bin Laden's dead body should be shown as proof of his death. Senator Dianne Feinstein of California said, "I think for purposes of 100% identification there is value in doing so." 100% identification?

A small report in the Wall Street Journal was headlined "Release of Photo Proving Death Is Debated."

This is what they want to implant into our subconscious: a photo is proof.

They intend to withhold a photo until the mantra has been thoroughly beat into our heads and they are sure that most people equate a photo with proof. Then they'll release it. And everyone on TV will say, "That settles it!" and "The conspiracy theorists are wrong again!"

Anyone who actually believes a photo would be proof of Osama bin Laden's death is sadly ignorant and naïve.

What about the rumored video of the raid? The Wall Street Journal reports, "John Brennan, assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism, said Mr. Obama and senior officials 'were able to monitor the situation in real time,' though he provided no details…"

But a video, like a photograph, can be faked -- especially when the government, with its ample resources and money, is behind the production. I think it's interesting that the SEALs reportedly practiced the raid "…at a mock complex, a replica of bin Laden's home, built at a secret base in nearby Afghanistan." (USA Today, May 3, page 4A)

We must consider the possibility that the raid never actually took place. A video of one of the practice raids could have been made to offer as "proof" if the need arose. Or a video could have been made of a fake raid, using actors instead of Navy SEALs. Like a Hollywood movie, it could have been made to look like the real thing. This video could have been what Obama, Biden, Clinton, and the others were watching in the picture taken of them sitting in the Situation Room. Perhaps all of them, excepting probably Obama and Biden and the military officer, thought they were witnessing the real event!

I will concede, however, that it's quite possible, even probable, that the raid did, in fact, take place as reported. But I DO NOT believe Osama bin Laden was killed during or after the raid.

According to several good sources, bin Laden died in December of 2001...

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