
Monday, May 9, 2011

This is pretty good...

Conspiracy Theory Nutters - Why Can't They Be Normal Like Us?

Here we are living in a world of complete propaganda madness where small minded morons get behind the media sausage factory and ridicule those who have the intelligence to step out the box, research and question whats really happening in the world. These hypnotized morons really do believe everything they are told and anyone questioning the authoritative word of mainstream media must be labelled as kooks and loons, or even worse… “conspiracy theorists”.

From the mind of a normal western citizen?..

How dare they have the nerve to draw different conclusions from the fairy tale stories we the masses have to swallow and digest without question? Why can’t these conspiracy theorists people just be normal like everyone else and accept what our government tells us like all decent normal citizens do? After all, we are the good guys, our western governments are the good guys, we only go to war and kill millions of men woman and children for democracy, freedom and humanitarian reasons. It’s these bad Muslims and Al Queda terrorists that make us have to do it. We are the good guys. We only destroy countries, kill and displace millions in Iraq, use depleted uranium creating radiation pollution in the area for thousands of years resulting in horrific birth defects for thousands of generations to come because they make us do it. Yes we use cluster bombs and horrific burning phosphorus on civilians, but only because they make us do it. OK Saddam might not have had WMD’s but he was a bad guy so why should we care? We are the good guys and we got him. Iraq is much better off now because they had an election that was fair. Why can’t these loony conspiracy theorists see that?

So what if the CIA and NATO have brought the Afghanistan poppy cultivation back to record levels after the Taliban had all but eradicated the crops. So what if our soldiers openly fly the drugs out to all quarters of the world using CIA planes? If we didn’t do it others would and why let the terrorists gets in on a multi billion dollar business? We are the good guys. As the CIA explain, we need to keep the farmers on our side and we represent freedom and democracy right?

Why do these sad “conspiracy theorists” think it’s so bad to fly unmanned drones into Pakistan and Libya taking out whole villages with 21st century precision? Splat Splat Splat! Ha ha! Would they rather we risk our soldier’s lives? OK village woman and children are slaughtered in the melee but they are dark skinned people probably harboring terrorists anyway so they get what they deserve right? It is war after all! Well not really war, more “humanitarian missions”, because we are the good guys right? The terrorists made us have to slaughter and maim their people and besides, our governments tell us they take every precaution to spare ordinary peoples lifes and our governments are the good guys so we have to believe them, and anyway, there will always be casualties in war or even humanitarian missions, won’t there. Why can’t these namby pamby conspiracy theorists realize we are fighting to create a world for peace and democracy? We are the good guys. The Muslims attacked us on 9/11 and now they have to pay right?

Just like Osama Bin Laden had to pay. It looks like the dirty Pakistanis were hiding him so I think we’ll need to step up the war against Pakistan too. We can’t have countries harboring terrorists now can we? We might need to nuke them of course because Pakistan has nukes but they will have deserved it right? Our hero soldiers got right in there and killed everyone in the house where he was hiding. OBL even hid behind his wife as our soldiers shot him the coward! Of course the conspiracy theorists ask why we had to kill everyone in the house. Wouldn’t his wife make an excellent torture prisoner? We had to kill them all, why would we want to keep any of them alive? We have enough intelligence already, having found out all we need to know about terrorism with the excellent torture prisons we have spread out across the world. Why can’t the conspiracy theorists see that good guys need to torture the bad guys so we can stop them spreading more terrorism. Torture is good to maintain a western world of freedom and democracy! If that means locking people up in dingy cells for years without trial so be it! Freedom is worth fighting for! We have to torture them because we are the good guys and our government always tells the truth and these scummy terrorists will lie unless we torture them right? Of course our western politicians lie a little but not when it comes to big things like war and invading countries right? Our politicians would never lie to us in order to send our soldiers to war would they? Why do we know this? Because our politicians are decent and are the good guys representing love, peace and freedom. Why do these kooky conspiracy theorists think anything different? Perhaps the loony conspiracy theorists should be tortured along with the Muslim terrorists, after all, these people are aiding terrorists and deserve to be tortured and ostracized as well right?

Oh and they want PROOF our brave soldiers killed OBL! Why can’t they just believe like normal people? Why would our governments want to lie? We are the good guys! Of course we had to get rid of the body. We already had taken DNA tests to prove it was OBL. Why would they lie? There is no reason to lie, is there?

So what if MI6 and the CIA are found to be masquerading as Al Queda operatives in Iraq and Afghanistan? So what if we are helping Al Queda in Libya. Unlike the loony conspiracy theorists, us ordinary people know we shouldn’t question those in authority and what our soldiers do. We have to trust our governments because there is a war going on and our guys represent peace, freedom and democracy while the Arabs are smelly and think if they blow people up they will go to heaven with 72 virgins. Ha Ha! That’s the type of evil our brave soldiers have to deal with every day so we can’t really question their methods can we? We need to trust they are fighting for us, for peace and for democracy. After all, we are the good guys…

It gets so tiresome! These conspiracy theory loonies think the Federal Reserve is run by private bankers! What a laugh eh? Next they’ll be saying our Royal Family are lizards. Nut jobs the lot of them eh? Don’t they realize what a brilliant job these bankers are doing saving our economies? Yet the loony conspiracy theorists question their integrity. So what if they print off trillions of dollars every month out of thin air. It means us in the west will have more money to play with. Sure we had a recession but we’re in a recovery now! They just don’t get it do they? They ask us to read articles that would take at least an hour to read and make no sense at all to us or long boring videos just to prove their point. We don’t need to read their stupid articles or watch these loony documentaries or visit their conspiracy theory websites. We are not lunatics like them. Can’t these guys just watch Bloomberg and CNBC like normal people? They try to make out they know something we don’t know but they don’t realize we don’t need to read their articles from loony conspiracy theory websites or stupid documentaries. How many times are they going to ask us to watch the WTC7 collapsing? We know there were airplanes crashed into these buildings but next they will be telling us no plane flew into WTC7 as if they are expert construction engineers and know better than our governments. Just because the BBC reported the WTC7 collapsing 20 minutes before it did doesn’t mean we should be suspicious. The BBC already explained to us that was just a coincidence in the confusion of the day. Why should these conspiracy theorists not just accept that and move on instead of asking to question 9/11 further? Look our governments were able to name all 19 hijacker's within hours of the attacks. Why do we need to question it further? It’s a disgrace and shows contempt for the victim’s families so it does! Yes there were many strange things happened that day that is unexplainable, but coincidences happen all the time and we’ll never find out for sure so we have to move on and fight the terrorists that did it right?

And we get these same conspiracy theorist kooks telling us we should audit the Fedral Reserve once again showing their loony distrust of these respectable bankers.

If it’s not asking for a new inquiry into 9/11 they talk about things like putting fluoride in the public water system! Ha Ha! They say the Nazis were first to use fluoride in the Jewish ghettos and apparently it was used in the Russian gulags. They say it’s the equivalent of rat poison, dumbs people down and makes them docile but they forget … we’ve been drinking fluoride for many years and it hasn’t done us any harm. Has it?


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