
Monday, May 9, 2011

"Since the ever increasingly farcical Bin Laden death raid, there has been an overload of paranoia and false terror alarms in major US cities."

Terror Alert Overload Leads To Call For “No Ride List”

In the wake of rampant and escalated fears over terror attacks on transport systems in major US cities, and a spate of false alarms, a US Senator is leading the call for a government “no ride list”, that would see potential suspects banned from boarding trains.

Just as the federal government currently maintains a terrorist no fly list, Sen. Charles Schumer is calling for the same rules to apply to Amtrak trains in the US, following the claim that intelligence was recovered from Osama Bin Laden’s computer pointing to apparent spectacular terror plots to target trains.

“Anyone, even a member of al-Qaida could purchase a train ticket and board an Amtrak train without so much as a question asked,” Schumer said. “So that’s why I’m calling for the creation of an Amtrak no ride list. That would take the secure flight program and apply it to Amtrak trains.”

The Democrat Senator from New York says the list is vital in order to prevent future attacks.

Last week the government issued an advisory to law enforcement agencies, warning them to increase security around train stations and subways.

Material supposedly gleaned from Osama’s house in Pakistan revealed “an operation against trains at an unspecified location in the United States on the 10th anniversary” of the 9/11 attacks.” reported NBC News.

The advisory claimed al-Qaeda plans “to tip a train by tampering with the rails so that the train would fall off the track at either a valley or on a bridge.”

Yet, it is not clear how the government reached this conclusion, given that according to US officials there are no references to specific plots or to to specific cities, nor is there any imminent threat.

“We have no information of any imminent terrorist threat to the U.S. rail sector, but wanted to make our partners aware of the alleged plotting,” Department of Homeland Security spokesman Matt Chandler said in a statement.”We want to stress that this alleged al-Qaida plotting is based on initial reporting, which is often misleading or inaccurate and subject to change.”

Since the ever increasingly farcical Bin Laden death raid, there has been an overload of paranoia and false terror alarms in major US cities.

A show of force has been initiated at major rail stations with militarized police in camo gear and TSA VIPR teams conducting increased amounts of random warrantless searches.

The following CBS news video highlights these suggestions and notes that such heightened security is the norm in Israel, intimating that the US should follow suit.

There have even been suggestions that security checkpoints could be installed at all “soft target locations” including transport hubs and even department stores. We have long documented the agenda to shift strict airport style security, including radiation firing body scanners, to the streets of America...

Read more:

1 comment:

  1. If thats the U.S.A. National debt clock, then whats the Uk's one?? how fucked am i?? i mean how am i meant to afford a home if i have to pay something like 48,122.6554? What education at college will teach me something worth 48,122.6560? what course at uni will give me knowledge worth 48,122.6566?? plus the debt upon leaving uni. Should i just join the army, better dying out there then in my room. right?
