
Saturday, May 7, 2011

"The next major earthquake there will begin an extinction event."

There MAY Be A Two Year Window
IF No More Big Quakes Hit

By Tom Burnett

Those of you who have been following me at Hawaii News Daily or on my blog may not have been thrilled with my initial assessments back in March - and ongoing - that Fukushima isn't going away.

The reactors can NEVER be placed in 'cold shutdown' because the cores are partially melted together. We are talking about hundreds of tons of fissile material inside reinforced concrete containment vessels. The containment vessels are cracked. They are releasing radiation. Fission excursions are still occurring and no one can go inside those containments for hundreds of years - even if they could crack one open.

They can continue to pour water on them and drain it off into the ocean because there is nothing else they can do. If they stop pumping water, the genie comes out. If they keep pumping water, it has to go somewhere and that somewhere is the ocean. It is still stop gap. Those reactor cores cannot be put into 'cold shutdown' or dismantled or entombed. Never.

That cannot treat as much radioactive water as they have to keep pumping in. No one can. So the radiation is going to come across the Pacific and impact the US and, certainly, Hawaii. Yes, I read that they are going to start treating it, but it is impossible. The inside of reactor cores have to be maintained in a 'clean room' environment or the water picks up particles - which then become radioactive - which then irradiate the reactor plumbing - and, eventually, become fuel. That's why they have to keep pumping fresh water in and dumping it out. They cannot recirculate it, even if they manage to get new plumbing installed. The next major earthquake there will begin an extinction event.

Read more:

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