
Sunday, May 8, 2011

A look at recent false-flag attacks...

False Flags – An American Tradition

By Stephen Lendman
May 7th, 2011

Wikipedia defines false or black flags as “covert operations designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities.”

They’re “big lies,” defined by Merriam-Webster as “deliberate gross distortion(s) of the truth used especially as a propaganda tactic.”

America’s decade from September 11, 2001 to May 1, 2011 was punctuated by the (big) lie of our time and (big) lie of the moment.

Put another way, the official stories are falsified, myths, widely believed fantasies contrary to reality.

In his exhaustive research and writings, David Ray Griffin provided convincing evidence that 9/11 was an inside job and that bin Laden died of natural causes in mid-December 2001.

The former spawned a decade of overt and covert “war on terror” lawlessness at home and abroad. Policies and events following the second have yet to unfold, but expect little at best to be positive.

Past US false flags provided pretexts for militarism, wars, occupations, domestic repression, and national security state extremism, antithetical to democratically free and open societies.

Allegedly removing America’s “Enemy Number One,” in fact, may intensify, not diminish, Washington’s scheme for unchallengeable global dominance. More on him below.

With or without bin Laden, bogymen threats are plentiful. Since WW II alone, America’s had numerous ones, including communists, Al Qaeda, WMDs, the Taliban, Gaddafi, and a host others yet unnamed, as well as numerous “foiled” domestic ones.

Among others, they include:

– a fake shoe bomber;

– fake underwear bomber;

– fake Times Square bomber;

– an earlier one there;

– fake shampoo bombers;

– fake Al Qaeda woman planning fake mass casualty attacks on New York landmarks;

– fake Oregon bomber;

– fake armed forces recruiting station bomber;

– fake synagogue bombers;

– fake Chicago Sears Tower bombers;

– fake FBI and other building bombers;

– fake National Guard, Fort Dix and Quantico marine base attackers;

– fake 9/11 bombers; and
– others to enlist public support for the fake war on terror and very real ones it spawned.

America, Pakistan, Bin Laden, Official Lies, and Misreporting

On May 5, New York Times writer Elisabeth Bumiller headlined, “Pentagon Breaks Silence on Pakistani Role,” saying:

A “top Pentagon official said….Pakistan would have to work hard to rebuild relations with the United States Congress,” including a commitment “to fighting terrorism….”

Read more:

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