
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Forget about all that radiation still leaking in Japan and falling on the United States...

Remember, nothing has been done to stop the release of massive amounts of radiation into the ocean and the atmosphere for the past two months but yet our EPA is reducing the amount of radiation monitoring as if everything is back to normal...
Expert: “It Seems To Be Part Of The Pattern Of The EPA Trying To Make Sure That There Are No Measurements That Could Cause People To Be Concerned”

Washington’s Blog
May 7, 2011

As I noted Tuesday, the EPA has suspended all heightened radiation monitoring, and will simply test and report every 3 months as if there were no nuclear crisis in Japan.

Bay Citizen writes:

That means that the agency will return to testing radiation levels in rainwater, drinking water and milk every three months. The next such tests are planned in August.

Additionally, the EPA said it is “evaluating the need” for additional radiation air monitors that were deployed around the nation after the nuclear accident.

The lack special monitoring efforts will make it more difficult for residents to assess the local hazards of the Japanese disaster. Critics lambasted the decision Thursday.

“I really am horrified,” said Daniel Hirsch, a nuclear policy lecturer at the University of California, Santa Cruz. “It’s quite staggering and it seems to be part of the pattern of the EPA trying to make sure that there are no measurements that could cause people to be concerned.”


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