
Saturday, May 7, 2011

UPDATED!!!! AGAIN!!!! According to the FBI Osama bin Laden was left-handed. He was probably so excited about seeing himself on TV, he must have forgotten...


UPDATE: The EARS have it!

By Mike Rivero

The photo on left is captured from video released today.The photo on right is from verified ABC interview of the real Osama Bin Laden before 911 and YouTube.

Click on pictures for larger image...

Ears are as unique as fingerprints, and they do not change with time. The ears do not match (and the noses are also different). The man in the video watching TV is most definitely not Osama Bin Laden.

Link to above photos from Mike Rivero:

UPDATE!!! Footage released by Pentagon had already been released four years ago!!! The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. No pun intended...

Hoax: White House Claims 4-Year-Old Bin Laden Tapes Are New Footage

In a desperate effort to bolster its crumbling official narrative, the White House today released a set of dubious Bin Laden “home movies” purportedly seized from his compound during the raid on Sunday night that it claims show Bin Laden on camera in 2010, but the tapes are almost identical to footage released almost four years ago by a notorious Pentagon front group that acts as a conduit for US intelligence by regularly releasing fake Al-Qaeda videos.

Read more:

Isn't it convenient that he never fully faces the camera. I'm sure a few hundred thousand Islamic men with beards resemble bin Laden from the side and slightly behind. Of course the mainstream media will never point this out as they fawn over the historic significance of this release. Also notice on this FBI Most Wanted Terrorists site, which states he is left-handed, he is not wanted for the 9/11 attacks...

Video shows a right-handed bin Laden watching himself and Jeopardy on TV

Link to video of bin Laden...

Link to FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist site...

1 comment:

  1. Was going to do an expose on this, but ypu have done fine job yourself.
