
Friday, May 6, 2011

19 contradictions in the government's version of Osama bin Laden's supposed killing...

Something Is Wrong With This Story
Compiled by Wallyworld

I have compiled a list of contradictions surrounding the supposed killing of Osama bin Laden that have been swirling around the past week. It is obvious to me, that something is wrong here. Either our leaders are complete incompetents or they are having a terrible time getting everyone to follow the same script. The longer this goes on the more foolish they look and the better chance the hoax this seems to be, will be exposed...

1. We are first told the Navy SEALS team fought a fierce firefight for 40 minutes but no SEALS were wounded. Then we are told there was no firefight.

2. We are told the story is confused because of the "fog of war" but if there was no firefight, what caused the "fog of war"?

3. After being told that the President Obama was watching the assault on bin Laden's compound live as it happened, via helmet-cams worn by the SEAL team, we are told the video feed went black and that the photo released of Obama, Joe Biden and the rest of the staff watching the event along with Hillary Clinton sitting in stunned horror, is not actually a picture of them watching the live feed of the attack. Clinton now claims she was reacting to allergies. It was also announced that Obama witnessed bin Laden being shot through the left eye while watching this broadcast. How was that possible if the video feed malfunctioned?

John Brennan on Obama watching the assault in real-time...

4. We are first told bin Laden was armed with an AK-47 and resisted capture by using his wife as a shield resulting in her death as well. We are later told he was unarmed and did not offer resistance and his wife was not used as a shield. Later it was announced another woman was killed in a crossfire and that bin Laden's wife was wounded in the leg. Is she alive? Where is she now? How were they hit if there was no firefight?

5. First we are told bin Laden's son Khalid was killed now it is his son Hamza. Where is Khalid?

6. The first photo circulated of bin Laden's corpse was later proved to be a composite of a photo of Bin Laden alive with a photo of another dead Middle Eastern casualty. No one in authority has admitted releasing this photo-shopped image, yet it appeared in foreign news reports and was purported to be authentic. In reality, this photo has been circulating on the internet for at least a year.

7. Reports and comments from various world wide intelligence agents and agencies, including CIA, Mossad including U.S. spymaster Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik (Tom Clancy's technical adviser and inside source); former U.S. government officials, including President Bush and Donald Rumsfeld; foreign political leaders, including Benazir Bhutto and Pakistan President Musharraf; all have made mention of bin Laden's demise dating back as far as November 2001. In fact, after being able to electronically track bin Laden for years, American intelligence admitted that as of November 2001, they had lost all contact with him and presumed he was deceased.

8. We have been told for years that bin Laden suffered from severe kidney problems requiring dialysis, yet after supposedly living in this house for five years or so, there was no dialysis machine or medicines related to treating his condition discovered in the building.

9. We are told that his computer is providing troves of information including a planned attack on our rail system, but now are told it will virtually be impossible to decipher the codes he used to store this information due to their extreme sophistication.

10. We are told that within hours of the killing, a DNA test had confirmed bin Laden's identity despite the fact it takes at least 48 hours to carry out DNA test procedures. Then we are told the DNA tests are still being conducted and the results would be available Tuesday. The results have not been independently verified as of yet.

11. We are told that both video and photographs of the attack and bin Laden's dead body have been taken and that they would be released to the public. The video issue has already been addressed and the White House now claims the death photo is too graphic for the public to view. Neither has been publicly viewed.

12. We are told that his body was dumped into the sea out of respect to Islamic practice and then it is discovered that Islamic tradition requires the body to be buried in the ground.

13. We were also told this burial was filmed and that it would be shown to the public. So far it has not been made available for viewing.

14. We are told that the CIA knew he was living in the compound since August of last year, but the Pakistani's are now being blamed for not informing us of this fact.

15. We are told bin Laden's successor, Anwar al-Awlaki, is worse than him, yet he was a guest of the U.S. Army at the Pentagon, for a formal dinner held after 9/11.

16. We are first told that one of the assault helicopters suffered mechanical problems and crashed. Then we are told a blade hit the compound wall resulting in the crash. Then we are told because of the extreme heat that night, the copter could not maintain proper lift and had to be abandoned. How were they able to evacuate everyone including any captives we have yet to hear anything about, and bin Laden's corpse with one fewer copter?

17. We were first told that the SEALS were told to take bin Laden alive if possible. Then then find out that Obama's signed orders for the assault were for him to be killed.

18. We have been told for years by our government that all world terrorism has been orchestrated by bin Laden, yet we make no attempt to capture the non resisting evil-doer alive for the purposes of interrogation to learn all we can about this terror network and their future plans.

19. We are told by President Obama that the world is a "safer place" now that Bin Laden is dead, while Hillary Clinton warns that we must now "double our efforts" in the fight against terror. You can't have it both ways.

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