
Monday, January 17, 2011

"So will you be a watchman that warns others what is coming and that rallies them to action?"

Be A Watchman

Unfortunately, the world system that you and I live in is not here to serve us. Rather, the world system intends for us to serve it. The world system is becoming increasingly insidious with each passing year, and those shaping the world system from behind the scenes are constructing a very dark future that will not include much "liberty" or "freedom" for anyone.

Are you just going to sit there while our liberties and our freedoms are taken from us?

Are you just going to sit there while evil grows?

Or are you going to do something?

Our forefathers have passed down a great legacy to us. They have passed down a legacy of freedom and liberty that must be protected in each new generation. Now it is our turn to stand up for the truth.

So will you be a watchman that warns others what is coming and that rallies them to action?

Will you tell others about the economic collapse that is on the horizon so that they can have time to prepare themselves and their families for what is coming?

Will you try to educate others about how our financial system really works and about how debt is destroying all of the wealth that has been handed down to us?

Will you cry out as the moral decay that is running rampant wherever you look literally rips this country apart?

Will you point out the horrific corruption in Washington D.C. and on Wall Street so that the American people can wake up and demand change?

Will you speak out about the emerging Big Brother police state control grid, or are you just going to sit idly by as all of our constitutional freedoms are ripped out of our hands?

Will you tell your countrymen how we are literally being poisoned by what we eat, by what we drink and by what we breathe?

Will you educate those around you about the dangers of genetically-modified organisms or are you just content to watch the beautiful world we have been given turned into a very toxic place full of freakishly bizarre creatures?

Will you work to expose the lies that are being passed off as "truth" by the mainstream media and our education system, or will you just "go with the flow"?

Will you attempt to alert your fellow Americans about the betrayal of our national sovereignty, or are you not really concerned if there will even be a place called "America" when your children get to be your age?

Will you seek to be a force for love in a world that is becoming more cold-hearted and hateful by the day?

When the world financial system collapses, will your first impulse be to hurt someone or to love and help someone?

When things start falling apart all around you, are you going to be a leader or a whiner?

Are you strong enough to love your enemies?

Will you do what you know is right even when it seems like the entire world is trying to get you to go in another direction?

Someday when they come to put an identification chip in you and your family, will you be strong enough to refuse even if you and your family will lose everything?

Are you willing to be a light in the darkness?

Are you willing to be a servant to others that they may live?

Are you willing to seek the truth even when the truth is extremely inconvenient and extremely uncomfortable?

Are you willing to proclaim the truth to your family and friends even when they won't listen and even when they look at you like you are crazy?

Will you take a stand against the emerging one world economic system, the emerging one world religious system and the emerging one world government, or are you content to live on a planet that is run by highly centralized tyranny?

It is time to wake up.

You can have a life full of meaning and purpose if you are willing to open your eyes to what is real.

Have you ever had something to really live for?

Well, try being a watchman for a while - you might just be surprised how your life will change.

Read more:

1 comment:

  1. If you speak portuguese, I am already a Watchman, talking about the Gospel, in my blog... I would like if you help me to make the blog known...

    Those are the blog site and the e-mail for contact:

    Thank you all!
