Pediatric Love Affair with Mercury Continues
The children’s flu vaccine does contain mercury. The children’s flu vaccine does contain mercury. The children’s flu vaccine does contain mercury. Mercury is an exceptionally strong neurological poison. Mercury is an exceptionally strong neurological poison. Mercury is an exceptionally strong neurological poison. These repetitions are directed toward doctors and medical officials who have a hard time with reading comprehension and still insist there is no evidence of harm from vaccines containing thimerosal, which is 50 percent mercury by weight.
Dr. Richard Halvorsen, author of the book, The Truth About Vaccines, said: “Thimerosal is an extremely toxic substance and a known poison to the brain. There is enough convincing evidence linking thimerosal with developmental disorders and learning problems in individual children to warrant its removal from any childhood vaccine.” Of course these same reading-handicapped officials and doctors don’t even listen to other doctors who have a better grasp of the real science and chemistry of mercury.
One should remember that they have been putting mercury into vaccines since the 1930s and it was an American company, Eli Lilly, who developed thimerosal and sponsored its use for many decades even though they knew it was dangerous from the very beginning after everyone in the first medical study died. Mercury can compromise the health of anyone—adult or child—being a heavy metal and potent neurotoxin.
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Oh my god the headaches from that first paragraph. We heard you the first five times you said "Mercury is an exceptionally strong neurological poison". Repeating this WILL NOT make doctors take this anymore seriously.