
Sunday, January 9, 2011

"The real Tea Party not co-opted by Republicans is the obvious target of what yet may turn out to be another staged event."

Establishment Media Demonizes Tea Party and Constitutionalists After Giffords Shooting
Kurt Nimmo

Get ready for the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to be used in a serious way against the Tea Party movement. MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the Mockingbird media are now attempting to portray millions of Americans as violence prone anti-government radicals...

“A lot of people have bets on how long it will take before they blame this on the tea party and that’s absolutely ridiculous,” Debbie Dooley, a national coordinator for Tea Party Patriots, told

The Tea Party movement originally established by Libertarians and Ron Paul and subsequently co-opted and brought trance-like into the Republican party Borg hive is not a threat to the establishment.

The real Tea Party not co-opted by Republicans is the obvious target of what yet may turn out to be another staged event. Sarah Palin is the television reality show queen and propped up figurehead of an orchestrated movement funded in part by the CIA operative Richard Mellon Scaife.

The CIA has perfected the art of undermining and destroying indigneous political movements in opposition to the ruling elite and their power structures and institutions. The FBI’s covert and illegal COINTELPRO operation took down countless political movements, most notably the anti-war and civil rights movements of the 1960s. Fred Hampton and other Black Panthers were assassinated as part of the FBI’s reign of terror.

“Regardless of why the shooting took place, there will be a lot of talk about violence in America in coming days,” warns corporate behemoth Time Magazine.

In addition to further demonizing the Tea Party and other constitutionalist and patriotic movements, the brutal murder of innocents and the serious wounding of a Democrat Congress critter will be used to ramp up the statist argument that Congress needs to pass gun control legislation. The visage of Timothy McVeigh and homegrown terrorism will also get a new lease on life.

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