
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Random Thoughts (Ten)

Keep your eye on the ball the next few days. The efforts to distract us from our nations growing problems will be at a full pitch. There will be nothing but coverage about the shooting in Arizona at the expense of most other issues that are probably more important to all of us. The courts have ruled that the Bank of America committed fraud on the foreclosure of homes in Massachusetts. The "real" unemployment numbers are getting worse. The number of people on food stamps has risen again to record levels. Oil prices are raging upward. American casualties in Afghanistan are getting worse. There are reports of billions of dollars missing that were allocated to fight that very same war. Massive withdrawals of silver from the Comex are taking place indicating a certain collapse of the dollar. The United States debt is beyond anything any country has experienced in the history of the world. States are going bankrupt. Food prices are soaring. There are many more issues, but yet, you will hear nothing about them from the corporate controlled media this week. As tragic as the shooting is, and believe me, it is a tragic thing, it will be used as a method to distract us all from the real problems our nation is going through. Those in power will manipulate this shooting in the long run, to stifle criticism of the governments' handling of the economy, health care, the war and most all other issues that are destroying our country. Political groups, other than those who support the mainstream political parties, will be brandished as crazies, who are creating a climate of hate in the country which leads to such violent acts. There will be calls for gun control, internet censorship and more police state expansion with the excuse of protecting us at the expense of our liberties. Government leaders will use this an an excuse to limit their public contact with their constituents further isolating themselves from the views of the people, which in turn will increase the influence of the DC beltway lobbyists. This is a dangerous time. This distraction will be used to further plunder the wealth of our nation by the crooks that run it. Keep your eye on the ball and don't fall for the slight of hand.

In other matters, less important, viewership of this blog has more than doubled this past month from just over 2,300 views in November to just over 4,600 views in December. The single day record of 449 views was set this past Friday. The birds falling from the sky articles seemed to be pretty popular as well as the post related to the exposure of the man-made global warming myth. Again thanks for looking in.

The Jets stunned everyone last night by pulling off a last second victory over the Colts on a field goal. Next up, the Patriots. I don't think the Jets are going to stop Tom Brady up there in Foxboro. The Pats just don't lose at home in the playoffs. Had a nice time watching the game with some co-workers and friends of my son. Their company was entertaining to say the least. A few, being Jet fans, were expecting the inevitable collapse, which appeared to be taking place in the closing minutes. But after the punt return by Antonio Cromartie which put the Jets in great position to kick a field goal, the volume in the house rose quite a few decibels. Maybe it is their year. We'll see.

Until I have another original thought, Peace.

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