
Monday, January 3, 2011

More predictions for 2011...

2011: Doom is Always 6 Months Away.

Well it’s that time of year again for predictions.

Since doom is always 6 months away, and I can write doom porn with the best of them, here we go…

The world will learn of the great silver fraud in 2011. Max Keiser’s “Crash JP Morgan: Buy Silver” campaign will finally draw blood but not the intended victim. After 138 years of abuse of silver by the Elite (Crime of 1873) silver will finally break it’s all time nominal high of $50 in March. This will spark a huge delivery in physical metal and there will not be enough to go around. JP Morgan will offload all of their short positions to shell companies ala’ Enron and the paper price of silver will moon shot. The SLV will reward (sucker) more investors for a little while more as the CRIMEX defaults. (Watch Wall St Laughs at Main St.)

The physical market of silver will not be available at any price.

Ebay will be empty.

Apmex will be empty.

Your local coin shop will be empty.

Once holders of silver realize the massive amount of fraud that has been committed and how suddenly wealthy they are, it will be like holding radioactive uranium. No one will bring it out to sell because who would sell real money for Monopoly money? Silver will be used much later on for food, land, and stocks but for now it is hidden. The only silver that will be available will most likely stay within families or close friends but never publicly. This will also be accentuated by the new IRS requirement to 1099 all sales over $600. Welcome to the black market...

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