
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Going mainstream on silver...

Be sure to read the whole article by clicking on the link to read the explanation of what selling short means and its' ramifications for the price of silver..

Sell Gold, Buy Silver
by Robert Kiyosaki

You may have noticed that gold is hovering around $1,360 an ounce (sliding recently after a big run-up) and silver is around $30 an ounce. That means in November of 2010 alone, gold increased in price by 2 percent and silver by 14 percent. Investing in gold and silver beats saving money in a bank earning less than 0.1 percent per month. Once again, this is further evidence that savers are losers as central banks of the world print trillions of dollars.

With paper money declining in value, millions of people are finally climbing on the gold wagon. Everywhere I go, I see signs that say, "We Buy Gold," calling out to people desperate for cash to trade in their gold jewelry.

For years now, I've said that silver is a better investment than gold.

To quickly summarize, here are a few reasons:

• Silver is consumed and gold is hoarded.

• Silver is a precious metal and is also an industrial metal that is used in electronics, medicine, water purification, and jewelry

• Today stockpiles of gold are increasing while stockpiles of silver are decreasing. (This means there's an abundance of gold and a shortage of silver).

• The gold/silver ratio is historically 14:1. This means that if gold were $14 an ounce then silver would $1 an ounce. Today, the ratio is approximately 50:1. Silver is extremely underpriced. If silver held to the historic 14:1 ratio, with gold at $1,400 an ounce then silver should be $100 an ounce -- not the $30 an ounce it is today.

In my opinion, when you combine the fact that there's a shortage of silver and that it's underpriced, silver is the safest and best investment today…but not for long.

A logical question is, "Why is the price of silver suppressed? Why is silver so much lower than gold?"

There are two primary reasons for silver's low price.

Number one, central banks buy gold, not silver. To bankers, gold is money and silver isn't. Today central banks are buying tons of gold, with India being one of the biggest buyers. This elevates the price of gold, leaving silver the bridesmaid but not the bride.

The price of silver is manipulated. The price of silver is intentionally kept low. While this is criminal, it's not illegal. Yet for decades, COMEX, the commodities exchange, has been in cahoots with the biggest silver investors at the expense of the little silver investor. This is about to end, thanks to some regulatory changes that may offer the biggest opportunity for silver investors between January and March of 2011.

What has changed?

Read more:

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