
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Giffords subsribed to shooters YouTube channel...


Open Gifford's Page and check for yourself. Lower left - take a look before this gets deleted!

Apparently, they knew each other!

Following the principle of Occam's Razor, and assuming this is not a cruel hoax (the link to Jared is only a week old), an interesting possibility suggests itself!

Loughner and Giffords knew each other. Jared Loughner twice worked for Gabrielle Giffords' campaign!

Gabrielle Gifford subscribes to Jared Loughner's YouTube channel, effectively linking her public YouTube channel to his YouTube channel. Why? Loughner's YouTube channel doesn't have much in it, and what is there might create some unpleasant concerns in the minds of Giffords' constituents. And Giffords only subscribed to one other channel, meaning this was not something she normally did as a matter of course.

One thing we can know from the subscription from Gabrielle Giffords' subscribing to Jared Loughner's YouTube channel; they were close, closer than the usual candidate/volunteer, close enough that Jared Loughner shared his YouTube channel with Gabrielle Gifford, and Gabrielle Gifford thought it important enough to link her own YouTube channel to.

So here is the "what if?" What if Jared Loughner misread Gabrielle Giffords' level of interest in him? What if he thought there was more than there really was? And what if, in the post-campaign season when Gabrielle Giffords had no more reason to spend any time with him, Jared Loughner felt jilted and betrayed?
I know it reads like a soap opera, but we do have a murder that fits the description of a crime of passion, involving two people with a demonstrated close relationship.

And if it should be revealed that we are dealing with a classic case of a wronged lover and infatuation gone deadly, all those political operatives like the Democrats, the gun grabbers, Southern Poverty Law Center, etc. trying to spin this tragedy to benefit their agendas are going to wind up looking like horses' rear ends!

The more I look at that YouTube subscription, the more sense this all seems to make.

Could be!

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