
Friday, January 7, 2011

“The first step to overcoming this obstacle, Professor Shearman writes, is persuading the governments of the world that curtailing the right to have children is an absolutely essential part of the fight against global warming...”

Eco-Nazi Orders Americans To Pay Carbon Tax On Children
Paul Joseph Watson

Top United Nations Eco-Nazi Professor David Shearman isn’t content with forcing the planet to worship a new green God while accepting the abolition of freedom and its replacement with an authoritarian global government run by “elite warriors,” he also wants Americans to pay a carbon tax of more than $18,000 dollars for each CO2 exhaling, mother earth killing child they have.

In an article published earlier today, we learned how Shearman, Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the University of Adelaide and Assessor for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Third and Fourth Assessment Reports, wants to dispense with democracy and replace it with an “authoritarian government” run by elite eco-guardian warriors who will invent a new green religion to coerce the proles into following their every order in the name of saving the planet.

We are now starting to get a clearer picture of how the “elite warriors” in control of this enviro-dictatorship will dominate every aspect of human society, down to the very act of procreation itself.

In an article posted on the Doctors for the Environment Australia website (of which he is President), Shearman laments the fact that “behavior modification” by global warming alarmists is not working because most people have been brought up in “liberal democracies” that allow them some semblance of freedom. He calls for, “Enforced rules whether at the collective level through carbon trade with penalties OR at the individual level.”

“The first step to overcoming this obstacle, Professor Shearman writes, is persuading the governments of the world that curtailing the right to have children is an absolutely essential part of the fight against global warming,” points out Haunting the Library blog.

Shearman quotes a letter that appeared in the Medical Journal of Australia which discusses how children having the temerity to breathe is harming the planet and that “population control” needs to be enforced as part of a “second ecological revolution”.


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