
Friday, January 7, 2011

Ever hear of "Operation Northwoods"?

Can’t believe U.S. would unleash terror on its own citizens? They already tried

They wanted to murder civilians in major American cities, blow up a plane painted to look like a civilian airliner, sink a military ship, and even fake an attack on their own naval base.

The year was 1962. The creators of the plan were the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States of America. The goal was to get the public on board for an invasion of Cuba.

And it’s all a matter of public record. It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s a fact.

The Joint Chiefs also discussed the possibility that disaster might strike Mercury astronaut John Glenn in his bid to become the first American to orbit the earth. If Glenn died in an accident, they were prepared to fake evidence that the rocket had been sabotaged by Fidel Castro using some kind of radio interference.

Unfortunately for them, the flight went off without a hitch and Glenn lived.

One of the main reasons people resist believing 9/11 was an inside job is that they just can’t conceive of the government doing such a terrible thing; it’s too diabolical. We can imagine the faceless “evil-doers” having such little regard for human life, but Americans?

Anyone who feels this way has probably not heard of Operation Northwoods. This was the code name of a secret plan proposed by the Joint Chiefs in March 1962 to launch a campaign of terror against American citizens in order to trick them into supporting a war with Cuba. The goal was to oust Castro just three years after he took power in a revolution.

Documents released following an access to information request show that Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer proposed just such a plan. In fact, all the members of the Joint Chiefs signed on. President John F. Kennedy rejected the proposal, further angering the military leadership, which still blamed him for the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion the year before.

In “Northwoods,” it was proposed that the U.S. launch a phoney “Communist Cuban terror campaign” in Miami, other Florida cities, and even Washington D.C. A fake terror campaign with REAL victims. They wanted to kill American citizens. They also proposed that a military ship be blown up in Guantanomo Bay, and that a boat full of Cuban refugees be sunk. All blame to Cuba...

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