
Saturday, January 8, 2011

As usual media blames criminal act on "fringe" groups (whatever that means) before facts are in...

Political Hacks Waste No Time In Shamelessly Exploiting Giffords Shooting To Demonize Political Oppositon

Political hacks have wasted little time in exploiting the tragic shooting of Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords to demonize their political opposition despite the gunman’s motivation being completely unknown at this time.

Huffington Post has already blamed the shooting on second amendment activists who held a meeting last year to discuss ways of politically defeating Giffords.

Before it’s even been confirmed that Giffords is dead, neo-lib statists are already shamelessly milking the shocking events for political gain. Our forum members also report that CNN’s David Fitsimmons is using the shooting to demonize “fringe” politics.

More updates to this story as it develops……

Giffords was a strong border control advocate and the gunman could have been someone with a grudge against her immigration policies. Hwoever, she also supported Obamacare and visited the Copenhagen global warming summit, so the murders could also be blamed on a “right-wing radical” and used to demonize the patriot movement.

The gunman was tackled by onlookers and arrested by police. He is described as a young man in his teens or early 20′s.

“The man was young, mid-to-late 20s, white clean-shaven with short hair and wearing dark clothing and said nothing during the shooting or while being held down. He didn’t look like a businessman, but more of a “fringe character,” reports Gawker.

Conflicting reports are claiming that Giffords is still alive but in a critical condition. Earlier reports said that she was killed as a result of being shot in the head at point blank range.

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