
Friday, December 3, 2010

We are not supposed to figure this out...

I Keep Telling You It’s Getting Colder!

It’s not supposed to be so cold and snowy so early in the winter when the world is thought to be warming. Eminent scientists are not supposed to turn their backs on the lying press and government to tell us it’s getting colder, not warmer. The entire discussion has us in the Twilight Zone with the global warmers and coolers still in heated conversation. The press’s most recent broadside entitled “World warmer, short-term trends need study: report”stated:

The global average temperature has increased over the past 160 years, but short-term trends in temperature and sea ice seem to be at odds with each other and need more research, the UK Met Office’s Hadley Center said. In a report on long- and short-term climate trends, the Hadley Center found several factors that indicate a warming world and said 2010 has been one of the warmest years on record. The report drew on the work of more than 20 institutions worldwide and used a range of measurements from satellites, weather balloons, weather stations, ocean buoys, ships, and field surveys.

One of the warmest years on record – are we to believe this? If global warming was such a slam dunk, why are they now tipping their hands mentioning the colder short-term trend? How can they define what is going on as a short-term trend when the future is not written yet?

Stockholm is forecast to experience its coldest seasonal temperatures
for over 100 years this week as winter weather takes hold of the
country, according to the Swedish Meteorological Institute.


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