
Thursday, December 2, 2010

A must read: The Creature from Jekyll Island...

A companion for understanding today's unfolding economic shenanigans...

I am currently reading the book, The Creature From Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin. The first edition was printed in 1992 with some updates up through 2002. It demystifies the secrets of money for those who see economics and the world of international banking as a complicated world beyond the layman's understanding, in an easy to understand style that takes on the feel of a mystery novel as it exposes the detailed inner workings of the Federal Reserve System, The IMF and the World Bank. In fact, today's current economic mess at home and abroad are explained right here in this book even though it was written some eighteen years ago. Everything that the Fed, the IMF and the World Bank are doing today to deal with the world economic collapse are detailed in this book as foreshadowed by Griffin. From the trillion dollar bailouts to the printing of "counterfeit" money to the austerity measures now being enacted by governments around the world, all are explained as inevitable buy-products of the corrupt system of international cartel banking. I highly recommend this book to teachers of US and World History, Civics, as well as Economics if you want to understand the reality of international banking, the causes of wars and the economic cycles of boom and bust, that we all think are naturally occurring events beyond the control of us mere mortals. In fact, this book will illustrate to you, that most of these events are orchestrated behind the scenes by the very people who created this system to maintain their grip on power and wealth, not to help mankind and the middle class as we are all lead to believe. I can't stress more vigorously how important this book is today. If you are going to get one book this holiday season, get this one. It will change your view of the world forever....W. R.

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