
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Because, that's the plan...

Why do most political leaders make the wrong decisions? It is all part of the plan. Until you view things from this perspective, it is hard to comprehend why they do what they do. But once you understand it, all becomes very clear. Just look what is going on. It's right there in plain sight...

Obama’s Mistakes: 12 Examples That Show That Just About Everything That Barack Obama Tries To Do Turns Out Badly

Why does it seem like virtually everything that Barack Obama tries to do turns out badly? There is a reason why his approval rating has fallen so precipitously. Whether you agree with his policies or not, it is getting hard to deny that he is having a really hard time getting anything done right. Health care reform was a total disaster, the economy continues to get worse, foreign policy is an unmitigated mess and faith in the federal government is at an all-time low. Some Democrat insiders are now wondering if Barack Obama is actually losing it. There are even whispers that Barack Obama may be challenged for the Democratic nomination in 2012. That still seems far-fetched at this point, but without a doubt it is not just Republicans that are wondering about Barack Obama's competence at this point.

These past two years have been an absolute nightmare in so many ways. The following is a list of 12 huge mistakes that Obama has made so far. Of course there are many, many others which could be added to this list. The truth is that almost everything that Barack Obama tries to do turns out badly....

#1 The health care reform law was supposed to expand health care coverage and make health care plans less expensive. Instead, it is doing just the opposite. For example, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, an affiliate of the Service Employees International Union has announced that they are dropping health care coverage for the children of more than 30,000 low-wage workers due to increased costs. The ironic thing is that SEIU union workers were some of Barack Obama's most loyal troops in helping get the health care reform law passed. Now they are some of the first ones to suffer for it. Not only that, but health insurance premiums are rising significantly all over the nation due to the new health care law. It is quickly becoming clear that the health care reform law is one of the worst pieces of legislation that the U.S. Congress has ever passed.

#2 UN officials have issued a very angry response to some shocking new revelations that were brought to light by the WikiLeaks documents that were just released. It turns out that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had apparently ordered U.S. staff to spy on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other diplomats at the United Nations. Talk about a mess. This scandal has the potential to destroy Hillary Clinton's political ambitions forever. It is becoming increasingly apparent that virtually nobody in the Obama administration or in Hillary Clinton's State Department has much of a clue about foreign policy.

#3 Barack Obama thought that he would toss those wanting to cut the federal deficit a bone by announcing a two year wage freeze for federal workers, but really all he has done is give several million pissed off federal workers a really good reason not to vote for him in the next election.

#4 After years of civil liberties abuses by the Bush administration, many Americans voted for Barack Obama hoping for something better. Instead, things have gotten even worse. One of the most prominent examples of this is the horrific abuse U.S. air travelers must endure at the hands of TSA agents. Barack Obama could stop the naked body scanners and the TSA groping tomorrow if he wanted to, but the truth is that he simply does not want to.

#5 The Obama administration seems to have no clue how to handle the rapidly unraveling situation over on the Korean peninsula. Let us hope that Obama's incompetence does not end up causing World War 3 to erupt over there.


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