
Monday, September 6, 2010

Who's he kidding?

Does he want us to think he's FDR? From the guy who gave the bankers 12 trillion dollars of our tax money...

Obama slams wealthy critics: ‘They talk about me like a dog’

Appearing at a union rally in Wisconsin to mark Labor Day, President Barack Obama took a moment to depart from his speech, offering an apparently candid reaction to the rhetoric of his most wealthy and powerful critics: the entrenched "special interests" that dominate Washington, D.C.

Remarking on efforts to bolster America's middle class, Obama noted his agenda has often brushed up against that of the wealthy.

"Some powerful interests who had been dominating the agenda in Washington for a very long time, and they're not always happy with me," the president said. "They talk about me like a dog. That's not in my prepared remarks, but it's true."


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