
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Some music news...

Re-uniting, except for the dead guys...

Buffalo Springfield’s Richie Furay Discusses Reunion

Two weeks ago, Buffalo Springfield guitarist Richie Furay got a text message from Neil Young that simply said, “Call me.” “I called and he asked me if I’d be up for a reunion at the Bridge School Benefit,” Furay says. “He said, ‘If you’re into it, I think Stephen [Stills] will be into it.’ The three of us then arranged a conference call, chit-chatted for a few minutes, and planned it all out. The last time I was onstage with them was the last Buffalo Springfield show at the Long Beach Arena back in 1968. Our lives have gone in different directions and I wouldn’t say that we’re close friends, but we’re friends and its an opportunity for us to get together again for a good cause. I’m very excited.”

Furay says that Neil Young’s longtime bassist Rick Rosas will sit in for the late Bruce Palmer, while Crosby, Stills and Nash drummer Joe Vitale will substitute for the late Dewey Martin. “We’re going to play for 35-40 minutes,” Furay says. “The setlist will probably be composed of the three albums, though probably more of the first album with a few of the second album and maybe ‘On The Way Home’ from the last one. I really have no idea, though. I’m just going to show up and have a good time.” He says it will be bittersweet, however, to be up there without Martin and Palmer. “Those guys made the sound,” Furay says. “For as many people as were in and out of the Springfield, it was the five of us that really created a sound that people really remember the most.”


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