
Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Is it possible some of the corporatists realize Ron Paul is the last hope to preserve and restore the bedrock constitutional principles that fostered an economic environment that created an abundance of prosperity and wealth the world had never experienced before?"

Forbes Op-ed Gives Glowing Endorsement of Ron Paul

Kurt Nimmo

Remarkably, Forbes has allowed an editorial on its website that strongly endorses Ron Paul. Naturally, there are the standard op-ed caveats right up front – the opinions expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily shared by Forbes – but despite this it is sincerely amazing the consummate anti-establishment presidential candidate would end up on the corporatized business-minded Forbes website.

The Benzinga editorial notes that Ron Paul is absolutely spot-on about the economy and has been for years.

QE3 and beyond, the devaluation of the dollar, massive unemployment, tumbling home prices, rising inflation, bankster bailouts, federal deficit spending, and toxic debt into perpetuity – all of it “could have been averted if we had taken heed of Dr. Ron Paul’s warnings years ago.”

This man has been fighting with absolute integrity and honesty for the values that this country was founded on for the last 30 years – sound money, balanced budgets, free markets, non-interventionist foreign policy and civil liberties. Most every other GOP Presidential candidate is an Establishment panderer who is beholden to entrenched special interests. Why should we trust another Establishment politician after being subjected to the lies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama, not to mention nearly every other politician in Washington D.C.?

The Benzinga op-ed states that the 2010 presidential election “may present one of the last opportunities for the American people to rise up against the oligarchy that has run this country into the ground for their own personal benefit at the expense of the majority of the citizens of this deteriorating Republic.”

If Ron Paul can sufficiently stir the American populace, his ideas will take root even if he does not subsequently win the GOP nomination. If this happens, U.S. policy and the entire course of our country could shift much faster than most people realize. Nothing is more powerful than an idea, and few ideas are as powerful as the concept of liberty. It is time that we finally tried something different. Ron Paul represents real change.

The fact Ron Paul’s libertarian message has gained a foothold on the highly stage-managed American political landscape is a testament to the power of the alternative media and the dedication of activists determined to return the United States to a constitutional republic.

The corporate establishment media consistently ignores and downplays Paul, but this has not prevented his message of liberty from sweeping across the country, thanks primarily to alternative media and an open and free internet (for now).

Again, it is quite remarkable Forbes – known by the motto, “The Capitalist Tool” – would publish such an editorial. It is after all considered a stalwart corporate business publication along with Fortune and Business Week.

Is it possible some of the corporatists realize Ron Paul is the last hope to preserve and restore the bedrock constitutional principles that fostered an economic environment that created an abundance of prosperity and wealth the world had never experienced before?


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