
Monday, December 12, 2011

The dark side of smoking...

The dark side of smoking - what Big Tobacco doesn't want you to know

The truth is that most pack-a-day smokers are hooked and cannot figure out how to quit, mainly because most cessation methods don't address the true depth of the addiction, and most are just scams that are marketed by "Big Pharma" to damage your health even further and send any "ex-smokers" right back to the well.

The latest regulations by the U.S. Government for cigarettes focus on regulating advertising, marketing, sale and distribution, but they do not address labeling the levels of nicotine potency or require companies to list on boxes or cartons any of the 4,000 toxic ingredients. Sure, it is common knowledge that cigarettes are horrible for your health, but why is it perfectly legal for cigarette manufacturers to include any combination of chemicals, and not be regulated whatsoever by the FDA? (

We all know alcohol has its dangers, but even liquor bottles list alcohol by volume and the proof (potency). A person can overdose on nicotine just like they can overdose on booze. For example, there is a huge difference between basic rum (80 proof) and Bacardi 151 proof. Also be sure not to confuse generic vodka (about 80 proof) with grain alcohol (190 proof). Confuse those two and you're in for a big surprise(

Nicotine treated with ammonia makes the nicotine vapor ready, so it hits your brain and heart within three seconds. There is a vast difference between the strength of premium brands versus the cheaper, low tar cigarettes, and history proves it.

Today's premium cigarettes have up to 100mg of nicotine potency

Nearly 50 years ago, Marlboro began using ammonia to juice up the nicotine kick, and shortly after, they nearly put every other cigarette manufacturer out of business. In May of 1998, after a lengthy litigation, the State of Minnesota and Blue Cross/Blue Shield won a 6.5 billion dollar settlement from Big Tobacco; revealing that companies like Marlboro and Kool were using ammonia to freebase nicotine (

The payoff/hush money was a big joke for Big Tobacco when compared to the profits from their "dedicated" clients. Take a big guess as to whether cigarette manufacturers are still using it today. This is exactly what
Big Tobacco does not want you to know. If you're a pack-a-day smoker who has tried to quit, and you wonder why most smoking cessation methods don't work, consider the fact that the dose of nicotine you're getting is about 35 times stronger than you think.(

Many countries today require cigarette manufacturers to print the yields of nicotine and carbon monoxide on the products, and have established ceilings (maximum limits). Countries like Canada, who have universal healthcare, test the levels of nicotine and tar, because they don't want healthcare costs to skyrocket. But this does not happen in the United States, where National Healthcare is a pipedream(

Scare tactics won't help current smokers quit

In 2009, it seemed as though the American Government was stepping into the ring to attack cigarettes, but basically, this legislation is more of the same ole' too little, too late philosophy. The bill to "scare smokers out of the habit" is just another political decoy so the FDA can look like they are doing the right thing, when in fact, Big Tobacco and Big Government will most likely continue working hand in hand ( Just look at the side effects of Chantix and Zyban and you will know (

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